‘Tis the Season to Clean!

Spring is definitely in the air! I am a lover of all the seasons, and even though here in sunny South Florida, we don’t actually see too much of a change in the seasons, I still definitely find something to love about each of them. I love the laziness of summer, the new beginning of…

Roll with it!

Rolling with the Punches

Do you know those people who just seem to be able to roll with the punches, who take everything in stride, and who just don’t seem phased with all that life throws at them?  Have you ever wished to be more like them? Well, with one change, you can be one of those people! What…

Who’s holding your feet to the fire?

As we approach the middle of this month of change, where do you stand with your resolutions?  If you are like most people, you gave up on them and all the enthusiasm that went along with them at least a week ago.  In fact, only 8% of people keep their resolutions.  That means 92% of…